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Influencing Factors Of Polyurethane Screen Life

2020-11-12 19:31:42

Vibrating screen is an indispensable main equipment in mineral processing and classification operation. It has many specifications and models. In order to meet different classification and dewatering purposes, the structure, size, pore size and distribution of the assembled screen are various. Polyurethane screen is one of them. It has the characteristics of light weight, high screening efficiency, not easy to plug holes, wear resistance, impact resistance, long service life and other characteristics, but unreasonable selection, use and processing technology will have a great impact on its life, leading to the increase in operating costs of vibrating screen.

Classification of polyurethane screen

According to the use, it can be divided into dehydration screen, medium removal screen and material grading screen.

It can be divided into polyester type or polyether type screen according to the raw materials used.

According to the fixed way of vibrating screen, it can be divided into fastening type, bolt type and tension type screen. Among them, the screen structure of fastening type, bolt type and tension type should be selected firstly according to the use of the screen to determine whether the screen is used for classification or dehydration. The raw materials used for wet screening and dry screening are different. Polyether polyurethane screen should be selected for screening with water, so as to prevent the phenomenon of shortening the service life of the screen due to hydrolysis. Polyester polyurethane screen should be selected for dry screening and bulk material screening. Its wear resistance and impact resistance are better, which can effectively improve the service life of the screen. Secondly, the installation structure of the screen should be selected according to the size of the screen aperture. For the large hole (more than 60mm diameter is recommended), the bolt type fixed structure is recommended. Because the material handled by the large aperture screen is relatively large and the impact on the screen surface is large, the fixed form of the other structural types of the screen is easy to loose. After the screen is loose, it hits each other with the support beam, resulting in the screen The net life is reduced. After choosing the right polyurethane screen, reasonable use is needed to ensure the maximum performance and life of polyurethane screen. However, many users tend to ignore this point in the process of using polyurethane screen.

For example, the tension type screen is easy to be broken loose by large pieces of material in the process of use, and the tension bolt needs to be tightened regularly. If the time is long, the tension bolt is loose and not tightened, resulting in knocking between the screen and the support bar, affecting the service life of the screen. At the same time, there is also the design of the feeding port. It is suggested that the feeding mode should not be vertical to the screen surface, and the feeding direction should be inclined along the logistics direction, and the feeding height should not be more than 400mm, so as to prevent the screen screen from being damaged by excessive impact force.



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